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Future Projects

Here are some projects I am embarking on, or are in development. Nothing is concrete - some of these titles are abstractions.

The Little Mermaid

I'll be the assistant director on this musical with Linda Goodrich as director/choreographer.

The Little Prince

A piece I'd love to adapt for children's theatre.

The Children of Lir

A myth I absolutely adore and know every well. I hope to use this myth as a foundation for my work in Ireland if I win a Fulbright Grant.

The Infinite Tales (a play of Irish myths)

A much larger project that The Children of Lir could be melded into. No word on this one yet. I have an early incompleted draft of this script, but it's very raw.

The Unfinished Tales (a play of world myths)

I conceived this play when I saw Arabian Nights. It was written around the time Paris was attacked, and I have continuously revised it. At the moment, Syrian refugees are desperate to flee the Middle East and I'm watching as the world turns them away. Aleppo is falling, Trump is nudging shoulders with Putin, and Calais' Jungle has been evacuated. The myths selected for this piece are simply world tales, but I believe they are indicative of the human experience.

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